Annoucements & Events
We continue to practice COVID pandemic protocols. This is part of our COVID protocol.
If you have not been vaccinated, we encourage you to do so.
Please stay home if you are not feeling well, coughing, or having a fever.
Wear your masks indoors, wash your hands frequently, and continue practicing social distancing.
After Sunday services, you will be asked not to exit from the middle aisle but to walk to the wall and leave by walking on the side aisles.
Please do not congregate in the foyer. Wait till you exit the church to meet and greet one another.
Our new email address is
Everyone is asked to bring rice, pasta, and dried beans, to support the Daniel Payne Community Plaza food giveaway. .
Our new have a new mailing address:
Hopewell AME Church
Post Office Box 2326
351 - 24th Street North
Birmingham, AL 35201